Animation Animation RING
Program Concocted by the Jafoura Equestrian Association and with the collaboration of the Ministry of National Defense (National Army Cavalry) and with the Ministry of the Interior (Canile Bouchoucha Brigade)
Our program
This year, SMA MED FOOD Festival will be enhanced with many activities and sub-programs
- 10h30
“Water accounting in agriculture: A food security issue”
Tunisia, facing water shortages, must adopt an integrated approach to water management, focusing on demand and using tools such as water accounting for agriculture, particularly for the olive sector
- 10h45
Towards better water productivity in agriculture
Water productivity is essential for Tunisian agriculture, with initiatives aimed at improving the efficient use of this resource and strengthening sustainable agricultural practices
- 11h00
Possibilities and limits of the exploitation of non-conventional water resources: salt water; Mr Bechir Ben Rouina (General Director of the Olive Tree Institute Sfax)
L'augmentation des superficies d'oliveraies en Tunisie, principalement irriguées avec des eaux salines, entraîne des défis liés à la salinité du sol, affectant la croissance et la production des oliviers.
- 11h15
Possibilités et limites de l’exploitation des ressources non conventionnelles en eau : les eaux usées traitées ; Mr ThameurJaouadi (Directeur de valorisation à l’ONAS)
- 10h00
Le réseau pépinière d’entreprise agricole et les Modes d’accompagnement dans le secteur agricole(les outils et les démarches) ; HAYET Ben Mohamed
- 10h15
L’accompagnement, facteur essentiel de la croissance économique des exploitations AgricolesMahdi Lajmi (APIA)
- 10h30
Présentation du programme de relance de l’investissement et la modernisation des exploitations agricoles
- 10h45
L’impact de l’accompagnement dans le cadre du programme PRIMEA sur les performances techniques et la rentabilité économiques des projetsIkram LARGUECH, Houda ZOUARI et Riadh KOUBAA(APIA)
- The bread
three hundred centuries of technical and social evolution
- 10h30
Wheat: a century of genetic improvement in Tunisia
- 11h:00
Bread in the Sfax region: between cultural heritage and social development
Strength... without Gluten!
Events Gallery
Discover a multitude of captivating events in our gallery: art, music, conferences, and much more!
COMPETITION Bovine Competition & Animal Animation
With the participation of eight breeders from the Sfax region (Sakiet Eddayer, Menzel Chaker, El Amra, Sakiet Ezzit, Thyna) the exhibition event brings together 26 young bulls divided into "five breeds": Holshtein, crossbreeds, Schwitz, Tarentais and Charolais but only the 3 first are eligible for fattening competitions. The competitions take place under the responsibility of a jury of specialists who supervise the phases of medical examination, fattening and evaluation of the results to award the incentive prizes to deserving breeders.
COMPETITION Animal animation
At the Sfax livestock office pavilion:
- Camel breeding: The show will treat the show's audience to a model demonstration of camel breeding through the exhibition, during the show, of a camel with her calf.
- Sheep Breeding: A presentation of the sheep breeding method of the Barbarian breed “ضأن المغرب”
- Goat breeding: A model presentation of the very rare Damascus الماعز الدمشقي breed and a suitable opportunity to discover the sumptuous features of its unique beauty.
- Bird breeding: A special stand is reserved for bird breeding, and a great opportunity offered to amateurs and fans of this activity to discover rare species of ornamental birds.
COMPETITION With the assistance of the Regional Union of Rabbit Breeders of Sfax
A rabbit exhibition will take place during the show to raise awareness among visitors about the merits of rabbit farming.
Et en marge de cette exposition, deux séances de dégustation de la viande de lapin, auront lieu les jours de l’ouverture et de la clôture du Salon.
Events Gallery
Discover a multitude of captivating events in our gallery: art, music, conferences, and much more!
Animation Culinary Competition, Entertainment and Tastings
Explorez des saveurs exquises avec notre dégustation d’huiles d’olive. Affrontez les défis nutritionnels, concours Zaitounti pour enfants, et concours culinaires. Une expérience gourmande pour tous ! 🍽️
- Dégustation de différents types d’huile d’olives.
- Mini-nutritional competition for dairy and meat products.
- Kids Zaitounti competition.
- Breakfast, lunch and dessert competition.
Events Gallery
Discover a multitude of captivating events in our gallery: art, music, conferences, and much more!