COMPETITION Bovine Competition & Animal Animation

With the participation of eight breeders from the Sfax region (Sakiet Eddayer, Menzel Chaker, El Amra, Sakiet Ezzit, Thyna) the exhibition event brings together 26 young bulls divided into "five breeds": Holshtein, crossbreeds, Schwitz, Tarentais and Charolais but only the 3 first are eligible for fattening competitions. The competitions take place under the responsibility of a jury of specialists who supervise the phases of medical examination, fattening and evaluation of the results to award the incentive prizes to deserving breeders.

COMPETITION Animal animation

At the Sfax livestock office pavilion:

  • Camel breeding: The show will treat the show's audience to a model demonstration of camel breeding through the exhibition, during the show, of a camel with her calf.
  • Sheep Breeding: A presentation of the sheep breeding method of the Barbarian breed “ضأن المغرب”
  • Goat breeding: A model presentation of the very rare Damascus الماعز الدمشقي breed and a suitable opportunity to discover the sumptuous features of its unique beauty.
  •  Bird breeding: A special stand is reserved for bird breeding, and a great opportunity offered to amateurs and fans of this activity to discover rare species of ornamental birds.

COMPETITION With the assistance of the Regional Union of Rabbit Breeders of Sfax

A rabbit exhibition will take place during the show to raise awareness among visitors about the merits of rabbit farming.
Et en marge de cette exposition, deux séances de dégustation de la viande de lapin, auront lieu les jours de l’ouverture et de la clôture du Salon.

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