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Exhibitors at the SmamedFood Festival: Explore culinary diversity!

1. Activités Agricoles

- Arboriculture, Floriculture, Cereal growing and horticulture
- Aquaculture, fish farming and shellfish farming.
- Nursery and plant production
- Vegetable crops
- Organic Agriculture

2. Elevage

- Slaughter animals (Cattle, sheep, goats, camelids, equines, etc.)
- Livestock equipment and tools
-Hygiene and disinfection of farms and premises.
-Animal feed (Raw materials, food additives, Compound feed, Flours, Granules.)

3. Matériels et Equipements Agricoles

- Generators.
- Pumping stations and hydraulic equipment.
- Agricultural tractors.
- Machines for working straw and hay.
- Packaging and conditioning machines and products for the agri-food sector, storage, transport and handling of agricultural and fishing products.

4. Industries agroalimentaires

-Processing of seafood products.
-Drinks, mineral waters, syrups and wines.
- Processing, packaging and preserving of agricultural products (dates, almonds, condiments).
- Infant nutrition.
-Confectionery, Pastry, Chocolate, Biscuits, etc.

5. Pêche et activités connexes

-Navigation and fishing materials and equipment (production, processing, packaging).
- Shipbuilding

6. Activités de distribution

-Agri-food products.
- Fertilizers, fertilizers, seeds and phytosanitary products
-Agricultural, packaging and freezing machines, equipment and tools.
-Machines et outillage de produits d’étiquetage, de codification et de pesage
- Slaughterhouse, butchery and delicatessen equipment.

7. Activités de services et d’appui du secteur agricole

-Security: supplies and services.
-Groups, offices and support organizations.
-Service companies and financial institutions.
-Research establishment and technical centers. -Agricultural insurance and credits.
-Analysis laboratories.